
Future wiki page about Edson Frainlar.

I'm Edson Frainlar Inghyasi, a Product Engineer from India. I work for the Product Team at KTern. At the moment my desk is located in Chennai, India, the leading SaaS Hub of the World.

My role involves prototyping, developing backend as well as front end apps with the modern workflows, frameworks. Keeping an eye on the patterns and organized code. Same time deploy them using Azure DevOps and monitor everything running in Google Kubernetes Engine. For the backend apps including microservices am a Node.js guy. For the front-end apps, we have so many choices, and my decision engine given below,

  • For full fledged portal or a custom CMS, go with Angular.
  • For micro apps, Nuxt.js (Which built on top of Vue).
  • For javascript SDK's, React.
  • For documentation, GatsbyJs (which built on top of React).

I blog about programming, code, technology and stuffs that I'm interested in.

You can find me on Twitter, GitHub, GitLab and LinkedIn. If you want to email me, go ahead and send an email to frainlar@pm.me.