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Project management - Organize issues using labels

Here I am listing the labels which I used to organize my tasks in almost all the project management solutions like Jira, Gitlab and GitHub.

Edson Frainlar
Edson FrainlarFebruary 06, 2019 · 4 min read · Last Updated:

Labels are a good way to categorize the tasks. But having too many in an unorganized way results more clutter. Here is my way of labeling issues/tasks. This is the way I organize my tasks in GitHub, GitLab and in Jira.


Indicating the area to which issues belong.

optimizationFine tuning works#8bd9e5
uxUser experience#ccbef7


Used to prioritize the issues.

P0Requires immediate attention#d93f0b
P1Requires attention soon
P2Does not require immediate attention
P3Low priority itemsf5f5f5

Previously I was using,

priority/highRequires immediate attention#d93f0b
priority/mediumRequires attention soon
priority/lowDoes not require immediate attention


Indicating the current stage of the issue.

awaiting-responsePotential fix was proposed; awaiting response
backlogPrioritized to be picked up in current sprint
blockedWork is blocked due to something
in-testDeployed to TEST environment
investigatingSomeone is looking into this
needs-informationNot enough info to reproduce the issue
needs-investigatingSomeone needs to look at this
needs-reviewWork done but needs review
pending-releaseWorks associated with this issue is done but not deployed
proposalNo work has been done of this issue
ready-for-workThe issue is reproducible and in scope
wontfixDoes not regard this as an issue or will not implement this feature
work-in-progressSomeone is working on it#68db1c

Stage labels like in progress, backlog etc can be skipped in GitHub if you linked the issue to a project which has relevant columns matching these stages.


Used to categorize the issues.

breakingBreaking change#91085D
bugSomething isn’t working#ee0701
choreWork is required w/ no deliverable to end user#2C4B5A
commentComments created via
documentationImprovements or additions to documentation#5F6D58
duplicateThis issue already exists#cfd3d7
featureNew feature that does not currently exist#62fcbe
enhancementRequested enhancement of existing feature#6550ba
questionFurther information is requested#d876e3
testThis tests something#926342


staleIssues with no activity for long time

If you are a colorful person 😉 , suggest me some colors for these labels in the comments 👇



  • Labels changed to non-prefix format.

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Edson Frainlar

Written byEdson Frainlar
Mission-driven Full-stack Developer with a passion for developing KTern, Dev Collaboration, and teaching. Curious to explore Quantum Information and Computing.

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